Wednesday, August 29, 2012

That Space Under the Stairs

So, I have this wonderful little nook under the stairs of my new apartment.  It is adorable, cozy and the absolute perfect spot for my new office space.  This has of course led me on an inspiration hunt!

Via Tumblr
I love the graphic interest of the Magis chair ($1,968 for a set of 4).  The cut outs allow the space to appear more open while still creating visual appeal.  Yet, in my opinion, it would feel a little cramped under that closed in staircase.

Now, after I saw that great red chair and recovered, I started day dreaming about cork boards.  That fabulous wall of cork board material behind the desk is just brilliant.  I am constantly ripping out pages from magazines.  A board such as that by my desk would be filled in a snap with a smattering of anything and everything I felt inspired by.  The Board Dudes have tiles that can be used with both tacks and magnets and are only $13.99 per 17 x 17 piece.

Lille Lykke
This is my favorite!  No doubts in my mind as to why- it almost perfectly resembles the space under my stairs.  So far I only have a cheap, small Parsons desk in black and a chair.  But oh, what a chair it is.  As I type, I have the utter pleasure of residing in a rescued zebra print directors chair.  It is from a dear friend who is currently half way across the world, yet every time I see it I swear I can hear her iconic laugh.

Not to become too incredibly snappy on you (ugh gag me I know!), but the things I love the most in my current apartment are the things gathered from my dear ladies.  A zebra directors chair, feather earrings, a black cat print, and a ridiculously small chair- these, as Maria would sing, are a few of my favorite things.  Without a doubt, these are the items I want to surround and inspire me as I work.

The EFo ladies after graduation.

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